Amazing Sunday Session with Professional football player!! This week guest was …

Amazing Sunday Session with Professional football player!!

This week guest was Mr Ryo Miyaichi who currently plays for FC St.Pauli in Germany!!
He used to play for Arsenal!!

We could hear lots of worthwhile story from him, He shared his experience playing football in Europe, and talked about how he become footballer and reached professional level!!
There was an interesting fact that he wanted to be baseball player when he was child, which we couldn’t believe!!
He alos shared his personal staff such a what he does in free time and how he spends a day as a professional footballer!!
As a result, the session become well meaningful thanks to him🙇‍♂️

Many of our kids turned up, and being active asking lots of question to him. I’m sure they could learn alot in this session😃

We really appreciate him for participateing in our activity and sharing valuable fact to our kids!!

Thank you so much Mr Ryo Miyaichi🙇‍♂️

今週日曜日のZoom セッションのゲストは、なんと過去に強豪アーセナルでもプレーされていて、今はドイツのFC ザンクトパウリで活躍されています、宮市亮選手でした!





